Answering your drain plug questions.

So, you’ve misplaced your drain plugs? Or maybe the ones you have are just really old and in need of replacing.
Did you know all fiberglass Paddle Wheelers use a standard boat drain plug? We use a snap handle style plug for the footwells and a T-handle style plug for the pontoons. Both of these style plugs are readily available at almost any big box or sporting goods store for just a couple of dollars each. You’ll also find links to both style plugs on Amazon below.
Bonus fact: snap handle style plugs can be adjusted in size by turning the handle left or right in a screw-like motion. So if your drain plug doesn’t fit perfectly snug just remove it, turn the handle clockwise, and reinstall the plug. It should be sung enough that you cannot easily remove it without releasing the snap handle.
We hope that helps clear up some drain plug questions! If you have other questions that weren’t answered here or if you need assistance with another issue, please contact us at any time. Thank you for choosing Paddle Wheeler!